Learn from Elizabeth.

This is how she manages her Stokvel
using Xhuma
What she does
Elizabeth found that she could easily use Xhuma to run her stokvel digitally each week. She created a Group Vault, named it Contribution Stokvel and invited in all the members into it in a couple of clicks. As the admin she manages who can withdraw each week in 2 clicks and the beauty is that all the members can see exactly how much has been contributed and used by each. No stress over managing these finances anymore.
She is also a member of another couple of Stokvels and she has a separate Group Vault dedicated to each, including a Family Stokvel, Grocery Stokvel and Party Stokvel.

How she sets it up on Xhuma
She went into the Vaults tab and clicked on Create vault to set up each of the Stokvels using the Group Vault option. Xhuma took her through the steps where she could select who to invite in, the admin settings for each user and the frequency of her contributions.

What you can learn from Elizabeth
If you want to create a Stokvel simply open a Group Vault and give it a name like Contribution Stokvel.
You can manage the admin settings to your heart's desire by clicking on the Vault name.